Joe Grady has joined Gods and Generals on bass and backing vocals.

Ill be posting bios of all the guys soon, but for now, I wanted to let everyone know about our new direction

We recently decided to bring in John on keys. John has the skill to be able to play left hand bass, and, as a a trio, we are already loving what he brings to the sound. Playing a good variety of songs that are uniquely us as a band, and musically challenging at times, IS WHAT WE LOVE TO DO. And there will be some shows we do just that as a trio with keys, and no bass player.

But, I realized very quickly, I want to see John unencumbered to be himself and not be chained to doing that all the time.

Upon John and Tom’s recommendation, Joe was asked to join, and, he is all in!

He brings his own lifetime of musical excellence and skills, and is a perfect addition to what we have been envisioning.

I’m very excited looking down the road, and what we hope to do musically!

Welcome Joe!